Abigail Ogilvy Gallery is proud to present Almost Exactly, an exhibition featuring new artwork by Cassandra C. Jones, Richard Keen, and Daisy St. Sauveur. The exhibition requires the viewer to actively engage with the artwork, recognize its subject and representation, and perceive the contradictions inherent in all three artists’ themes and methods. Cassandra C. Jones is a remix artist who works with prints, digital art, collage, and video to tell contemporary stories, challenging perception and understanding of everyday imagery. In this exhibition, Jones will debut a new wallpaper installation. The gallery is pleased to introduce two new artists in this show, Daisy St. Sauveur and Richard Keen. St. Sauveur creates loud and vibrant prints and paintings, breathing life into the outdated media of printmaking that is often overlooked by younger generations. Keen utilizes minimalism and abstraction in his paintings, removing unnecessary details and simplifying the world and his subjects into their most basic forms.
Almost Exactly
Curated by: Abigail Ogilvy and Allyson Boli
Artists: Cassandra C. Jones, Richard Keen, and Daisy St. Sauveur
On View: May 3 – June 16, 2019
Opening Reception: May 3, 2019, 6:00-8:30 pm.
Abigail Ogilvy Gallery
460 Harrison Ave, C7
Boston, MA 02118
Parking offered at 367 Albany Street parking lot directly outside of the gallery.
Additional metered street parking is available.
